Transnational Education
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Thoughts, research, current events, and instructional models -- for accredited degree programs delivered internationally

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Franken-Food, E-Learning, and the Hungry Disenfranchised Millions

President Bush recently added an additional dimension to the Genetically Modified Food (GMF) conflict currently underway between the US and the EU. In my previous post, characterizing GMF treatment in a WTO dispute as a preview of e-learning treatment under the GATS, I focused on nations losing the ability to enforce their own standards. I missed the other way of looking at it.

NEW LONDON, Conn.--President Bush accused Europe on Wednesday of aggravating hunger in Africa with restrictive trade policies on genetically modified food.

President Bush, not known prior to this time as a strong supporter of third world food relief efforts, is ready to seriously address humanity's long standing famine problem -- and "unfounded, unscientific fears" are the only obstacles in his path.

It will be the same with Franken-Learning. Professional educators will be skeptical. A mass producible, wearable personal control system that accelerates certain types of learning? In the name of the digitally disenfranchised it must be disseminated. So, we'll just be implanting this little chip right about here, and then ...

posted by Dr Nickel at 12:10 AM | Link | Comments

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Tom Nickel
TNE Lead Blogger
Guangzhou, PRC
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